推荐优秀的WordPress免费主题和收费主题,比如WordPress 企业主题、博客主题、新闻主题等,打造小兽WordPress原创优质主题推荐平台。
如果想让 WordPress 自带的搜索功能只搜索文章标题,让搜索结果更加精确(其实WordPress 自带的搜索功能本来模糊查找就很弱),可以将下面的代码添加到当前主题functions.php 中:
将下面代码添加到当前主题functions.php 中,可以自定义WordPress 菜单项默认的类(class ):
当你更新插件到最新版本后,可能发现新版本增加的功能并不适合自己,或与主题有兼容问题,想还原到之前的版本,但旧版本自己没有备份,到WordPress 官网也没有找到旧版本的下载地址,比较尴尬….
为了阻止垃圾评论,我们可以进入WP后台 → 设置 → 讨论,在讨论设置面勾选“自动关闭发布 14天后的文章上的评论”,让之前较早发表的文章自动关闭评论。
图片ALT属性不仅有利于搜索引擎索引图片,而且当图片无法加载的时候,会显示图片的ALT信息。WordPress 文章插入图片时可以在“替代文本”中填写ALT信息,但评论中的大量Gravatar头像一般主题都没有ALT属性,其实WP以为我们预设了Gravatar头像ALT属性参数。
当需要显示文章的父分类和当前分类链接时,我们可以使用这段代码:代码原自:http://WordPress .stackexchange.com/questions/247011/access-current-post-parent-and-sub-category
We’ve all seen how login pages work on WordPress sites, but what is the point of having it at all? For one thing, login pages are what help you brand your WordPress site. They are the contact points for your customers to access your website. Therefore, they must be customized with the best of the plugins.
Source: X DesignAs far as the significance or importance of this effective design or theme is concerned, this design is quite helpful when attractive and highly creative website is desirable. At the same time X design surely helps for the sake of providing customized and individual look to the website in an appropriate way. Through the help of X designs, designers are able to take various astonishing benefits and they are also allowed to utilize amazing kinds of WordPress plug-ins.
在新窗口打开链接有时还是很有必要,下面这个简单实例,是利用 JQuery实现有选择性的在新窗口打开链接的方法。